How To Breed Angelfish

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Although challenging, knowing how to breed angelfish is a rewarding experience that can be accomplished with the right knowledge and expertise.

You should ensure all necessary conditions for breeding are met as well as having a cooperation pair to have successful outcomes.

If you are planning on breeding your first time, be prepared for everything from the actual process of laying eggs to caring properly once they’re born.

In this comprehensive guide, I will cover the particularities of breeding angels and prepare you ahead if anything goes wrong during your attempt at creating new ones.

The following are important aspects of angelfish breeding:

How To Breed Angelfish
  • Establishing a breeding tank; ensuring ideal water conditions for breeding;
  • Identifying angelfish gender and locating a reproductive pair;
  • Angelfish feeding
  • Developing the eggs;
  • Taking care of the fry

How To Breed Angelfish?

To successfully breed angelfish, you will need a pair of healthy, adult fish. You will also need a separate breeding tank that is at least 20 gallons in size and has plenty of hiding places for the adults and fry (baby fish). The water in the breeding tank should be slightly acidic with a pH of 6.5-7.0.

To encourage spawning, the female fish should be slightly larger than the male. The female will also need to be well-fed so that she is in good condition for spawning. Once you have a pair of adult angelfish, you will need to slowly acclimate them to the breeding tank over the course of a few days.

Once the fish are acclimated, you should start to see some aggressive behavior as the pair establishes their territory. Once this happens, you will likely see the female starting to lay eggs on a flat surface in the tank. The male will then fertilize the eggs.

After the eggs are fertilized, the parents will need to be removed from the tank so that they do not eat the fry (baby fish). The eggs will hatch in about 24-48 hours and the fry will be free-swimming a few days after that.

The fry will need to be fed small amounts of food several times per day. You can use commercially available baby fish food or you can make your own by grinding up adult fish food into a fine powder.

As the fry grows, you will need to increase the size of their food gradually. Once they are large enough, you can start feeding them the same food as the adults.

If you take good care of your angelfish and provide them with everything they need, you should have no problem breeding them successfully.

When Angelfish Mate, How Do You Know?

When looking for a mate, Angelfish tend to be very choosy. They will inspect many potential mates before selecting one. Once they find a suitable mate, they will often stay together for life.

To determine if two Angelfish are ready to mate, look for the following behaviors:

  • The fish will start swimming close together and often touch each other with their fins.
  • The fish will start to chase each other around the tank.
  • The male fish will start to build a nest out of algae or other materials.

If you see these behaviors, it is likely that the Angelfish are ready to mate. Once they have decided to mate, the female fish will lay their eggs in the nest that the male has built. The male fish will then fertilize the eggs and both parents will work together to care for the eggs until they hatch.

Finding A Suitable Angelfish Pair And Sexing Them

Some people are unsure of the sex of their fish until they notice which one releases eggs and fertilizes them. If you watch your favorite animal closely before this happens, there will be a slight difference in size between males versus females; this is because larger individuals have developmentally mature papillae (which display as pink organs).

When the female Angelfish becomes gravid, her papilla will form a swollen area around it. All of them are either females or unhealthy males and they do not participate in any kind of shows while waiting to spawn so this is an indication for you which one might be your babymaker.

The angelfish is a difficult fish to raise, but once you form your very own breeding pair from two different types of angels it becomes much easier. It will take 4-8 Scalare (depending on size) and needs separate aquariums for this process; however, there’s no better way than buying just one beautiful angel.

Healthy Angelfish should be shiny and clean with clear eyes. They have good external features, like sharp points or soft rays in their finny counterparts’ backsides! If you’re buying from an established breeder then make sure to check for signs of illness before committing yourself because even though these fish are hardy enough to survive captivity they still cannot produce eggs without proper care- which brings me to my next point.

If no Scalares are available in your area then purchase online but make sure to only select a reputable website so it will be worth all those hours spent waiting by aquariums full-grown at adulthood.

Angelfish Spawning Signs

  1. The female fish’s belly will become rounded and plump as she fills with eggs.
  2. The male fish’s fins will become longer and he will start to chase the female around.
  3. The water temperature will rise as the fish start to spawn.
  4. The fish will start to swim in tight circles around each other.
  5. The female fish will release her eggs and the male fish will fertilize them.


Now that you know how to breed Angelfish, it’s time to put your knowledge into practice. Get a group of Angelfish and start breeding them. With a little patience and effort, you’ll be able to produce healthy and vibrant fry in no time.

Thankfish for reading!

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